
Threshold Services Inc

We are proud to provide jobs and training to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. We accomplish this with many partnerships in the community and while taking care of Kodiak's recycling needs.Our mission is to provide work and training opportunites for people with disabilities in Kodiak.In Kodiak, just by recycling, you are supporting our disabilities programs.

Who We Are
We work with many local agencies including Hope Community Resources, Kodiak Area Native Association, Providence Mental Health, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, and the State of Alaska Department of Vocational Rehabilitation as well as others. We are always looking for ways to improve our programs.

Threshold Services, Inc. began as Kodiak Sheltered Workshop, Inc. in 1984 and changed the name to Threshold in 1989. After experimenting with several paradigms we turned to recycling in 1994. Prior to that there was no recycling in Kodiak, and in the last three years we processed over 2000 tons of recyclable material. All while employing a robust disabilities program

What we take and why?
Our staff goes out to area schools and to other public venues to educate the people on recycling in Kodiak, and to explain how the recycling programs further the lives of people with disabilities. We are happy to give tours to classes, other groups, families or even individuals. Tours are easily arranged by calling 486-6551.Our landfill is almost full and the Kodiak Island Borough is building a lined expansion at great expense. At present rates of disposal that expansion will be filled in only 15 to 20 years. That may sound like a lot of time, but 20 years ago people knew that we would have our landfill filled by now and did almost nothing to prolong it. Now we are spending millions of dollars to fix the problem.

Materials Accepted

Paper Recycling

Contact Company

Yard Locations

Threshold Services Inc
United States

Contact Number: (907) 486-6551 ,
Email: recycle@thresholdkodiak.org,

Operating Hours

Sunday & Monday Closed , Tuesday To Saturday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

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